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Life may not always fall into neat chapters, and you may not always get the satisfying ending you're looking for, but sometimes a good explanation is all the rewrite you need. 
- Harlan Coben


When I first started writing this portfolio four months ago, I thought I would have more to say in my epilogue. (I certainly had plenty to say in my prologue.) However, I can only think about the pictures I still need to add and the proofreading I need to do. I also have materials to prepare for school on Monday, law flashcards to make, tests to grade, and laundry to fold. I thought my time in the Mississippi Teacher Corps would have a neat, clear ending that would transition into a new chapter of my life. However when this portfolio is done, my work isn't.


So what's next? I don't have an answer yet. I thought I would know my next move, but I don't. I don't know if I will keep teaching or if I will move onto something new. I don't even know if I will be staying in Mississippi. But I am not worried for what the future holds. I am a little excited by the uncertainty of it after all the intense planning I have done these past two years. I wasn't this calm about future uncertainties in my senior year of college. That's partly why I applied for the Mississippi Teacher Corps: I knew what I would be doing for the next two years. I didn't like dealing with the unknown. Now that I am about to graduate again, I feel more confident in myself and that I will find an answer to what's next. If teaching has taught me anything, it is that a solution will present itself and everything will be okay.

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